Paneco Professionals – Slobodanka Mutic

10 July 2023

Paneco has a new Network Manager since 01 May this year – Slobodanka Mutic.

Some of the partners already met her during the Logistic Munich fair. Born in Germany with Bosnian roots and years of working in the international market is she a person who fits perfectly into the international Paneco team.

After successful graduation, she started directly to work in transport. She has been working in logistics for more than 20 years. She is fascinated by the unpredictability and diversity of topics at work. In the logistics every day is different. She never gets bored. It´s always exciting.

She is happy in Kempten where she lives as she loves the nature and the close mountains. Her biggest hobby is hiking but she loves also doing other sports activities and travelling around the world.

For a question: What would you not do, if you don’t need to? – Slobodanka answers: “Doing the annual tax declaration”. It takes too much of my precious time.

Slobodanka speaks Bosnian (mother language), German, English, Spanish (B1), and starts to speak French.

She loves cooking and trying new/different dishes. Her favorite food is Spätzle with Gulasch.

Slobodanka is a very open-minded and friendly person. She loves what she does and with energy wins the world.